Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I asked everyone who took the face cane class if they still had the instructions to just make the eye.  I can't find mine and neither can the 5 people that I asked.  So, I thought I would look at the pictures from the class and see if I could recreate what we did.  I tend to take a lot of pictures when we have classes or demos.  Now I know why.  So, I got out my clay, AND;

now I have 3 feet of cane because this one will get reduced down to about a 1/4 of an inch in order to use it on my pens.  I wish the eyelashes would have been thicker but I found out that you can use a Sharpie marker to darken and lengthen them and it doesn't come off after it's baked and sanded.  I tried it with one pen and it worked great.

The one on the left is a Kumihimo pen, the two in the middle were made with left over eye and mouth cane.  The second one from the right which is my favorite was made from pieces of a braided cane that I made and the one on the right is from a silver, white and translucent Mokume Gane.  I get these magnets from Stateside Bead Supply.  They are so strong the refrigerator comes out when you pull on it.  I love them for bracelets but  I found they pick up the silverware if you have one on while you are eating.

Had to put pictures of Buster in too.  He runs through the tube and then pushes the ball around.  He cracks me up.  However, he was doing this at 3 in the morning so I had to get up and turn the ball thing over.

Have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to turn your scales back 10 pounds.

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