Sunday, July 5, 2015


I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July.  We went out for ice cream and then went to the fire works.  It was pretty hot and no shortage of kids and sparklers.

My grandmother was one of the most patriotic people I ever knew.  She had to have that flag flying every day when it wasn't snowing or raining.  She was a die hard Cubs fan and you couldn't talk during the National Anthem or when Harry Carry sang Take Me Out to The Ballgame.  One 4th of July I bought a tape of Kate Smith singing "God Bless America" for her.  She made me play that almost every day when I came home from work.

Her favorite shirt was the 4th of July shirt that I got her from Snap-on Tools where I worked for a few years.  In honor of grandma and this wonderful country, I'm going to play her favorite song for you.

GOD BLESS AMERICA  click here to hear to hear grandma's song.  I wish grandma would have lived long enough to see this thing called "YOUTUBE" and the internet.  She would have loved it.

As you can see, I was never far away from her.  She meant the world to me and we lived together for 25 years.  She died in 1995 when was 99.  I think about her often but mostly on holidays because she always made them special.  

I just wanted to wish grandma a very happy 4th of July and thank you for all the wonderful memories of  Independence Days from the past.  Hope you had your hamburger and corn on the cob.

John and I miss you a lot.

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