Wednesday, January 27, 2016


The Green Bay Packers have been my favorite football team as long as I can remember.  I live in Arizona but my heart is in Wisconsin.  My brother lives in Florida but he's a Packer fan too and so his daughter and her boys.  She got an official Green Bay Packer shirt for Christmas and she asked me to make her some jewelry to go with it.

I made her these to go with her shirt.

And, I sent her the two sets on the left to go with her shirt.  The ones on the right I made for my friend who is an Arizona Cardinals fan.  Those didn't bring them much luck either.

I just finished this bracelet for her and will send it soon.

I made a discovery, at least for me.  I was looking for something on Amazon and found this stuff called Judi-Kins Fluxe.  It said it was a powder resin and you could bake it at 250 degrees.

This is what the bottle looks like.

Last week at clay guild my friend  Lupe Meter did a great demo using stencils, Pan Pastels, chalks, mica powders, etc.  I wanted to try what she was doing on black clay even though all I had was a little metal stencil.  I learned fast that you have to very careful after you use the Pan Pastels not to touch them.  They smear very easily.  Anyway, I made these earrings and baked them.  I found the bottle of Fluxe in the cabinet and thought I would try it.  I don't know if you can tell there is a resin like finish on these but I sure like it.  I dumped a bunch on each earring (it self levels), put them back in the oven at 250 and 10 minutes later I had a piece of polymer clay with a great looking gloss on the top.  I'm experimenting with more things right now to see how it works.  I did a couple metal bezels with glitter in them.  I just put another coat on and put them back in the oven.  Will update more later.

Gotta go get my boobs squished.  Yearly mammogram.  Hope they warmed the plate this time.

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