Monday, October 3, 2016


I've been gone a while from blogging because I've been taking my best friend back and forth every day to see her husband.  He got sick in February and was in the hospital and almost died.  Then he was sent to a rehab facility and got really sick there so he ended up in another hospital.  Then he was sent to a group home for 3 months.  My friend has macular degeneration and can't see to drive.  It's been a long 7 months.  He's home now and doing good so I'm finally back into playing with clay.

A couple weeks ago my good friend Lupe came over and gave me a little silver candle holder.  I wasn't sure what she wanted me to do with it but she said she thought it would make really pretty jewelry dishes then she left to me to my own devices.  LOL  So after bugging her for two days and asking her questions, the light came on.  Poor Lupe was working on her pieces for an art fair but she was kind enough to answer my emails and explain things to me.  Now I can't stop making these things.  Thank you Lupe.

These are for my friend's sisters in Kansas.  Already in the mail.

This is the bottom of the bowls.  They take 5 bakings.

This is one I made for a friend who doesn't like bling and glitz so she gets no crystals on this one.

These are the first two I made with silk screens.  I love the one on the right with the cats.  Had a little trouble with the black paint.  The one on the left was a test.  The silver paint didn't show up as much on the purple but I still like it.  I put edges on the these two and that was a pain.  After seeing Lupe's beautiful bowls I realized I didn't need to add an edge.

Thanks again Lupe.  I'm really enjoying this.


  1. Another group of beautiful bowls. Sweet of you to help take your friend back and forth.
