Wednesday, January 5, 2011


As I told you in my last blog, I'm making little animal beads for Beads of Courage.  I wanted to have 100 done by April 14th so I can send them to our clay guild meeting.  I won't be there this month, I'm going on a bus trip to Palm Springs, CA. to see The Follies and take a tram ride and visit some stars homes.

When I first posted I had 13 bears done.  Now I've got 44 bears, 2 dogs and one heart done.  I love PenniJo Couches flexible molds.  I'm not much of a sculptor so these really help me with the animals.  Here is her website

Here's the latest:

I found some cute buttons but they were plastic so I had to glue them on later.  See the bear with the football.  I also gave some of the bears babies, they are soooooooooo tiny and cute.

The little guy on the bottom left has mittens on.  He has big hands :0).


I just read on Marie Segal's blog that her best friend had a double mastectomy yesterday.

Susan sounds like a wonderful woman.  Let's say some prayers that she makes it through this safely.

Time for a cure for this dreadful disease.  Pray for that too.

I wonder if the Beads of Courage people would be willing to start the same program for women who have breast cancer.  You know we love bling and beads.  Time to get that show on the road.


Marie S said...

Happy New Year Bonnie! I love your bears, so cute.
If you use the Jesse James line of buttons you can bake them in the clay, just push the button shank in.
Penny Jo does have great molds, doesn't she?
Thank you so much for praying for Susan and posting it, you are so appreciated.
Have a great time on your trip.
love and huge hugs,

Melobeau said...

Bonnie, They are great and SO cute, not to mention what a wonderful cause. Thanks for posting and letting us know. I'll have to check it out. I think I'd like to do some, too.BRAVA!
Prayers for Susan.

Lupe Meter said...

Your bears are adorable, Bonnie! Finally got my blog up and running. I have not worked in my studio for the past couple of weeks so I posted Marie's new giveaway. I have been wanting to try some of Penny Jo's new molds...will have to save some for that. I have to come up with something to also make for Beads of Courage. You are way ahead of me as usual!

Lupe Meter said...

Also, looks like I am going to be blocked from following a lot of my favorite blogs like yours. I am being blocked from alot of blogs since I changed my blog and email address.

Lupe Meter said...

Figured it out...forgot to update my email account. Duh!

Anonymous said...

Your bears are just darling! I love the tiny baby bear added to the larger ones.

I too will be remembering Susan in her struggle.

Thank you so much for your very kind comments and including a link to our website.

Penni Jo

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

So sorry for accidentally posting twice. I thought my first comment did not go through so I accidentally posted it twice. So, I deleted the second one.

I've recently changed from Mac to a PC and when it comes to posting, I'm a pretty good sculptor. :-)

Penni Jo

Cherie said...

I love your pink and white bracelet for breast cancer; my sister has been diagnosed two weeks ago. What stitch did you use?