Friday, July 24, 2009

SBS Necklace and The Rose Beads

This necklace is made entirely of Studio By Sculpey clay. I was going to put it on Etsy but I wore it a couple times and got so many compliments on it I decided to keep it myself. I guess I'll have to make another one. This set of beads was made by my sweet friend Rose. We share a lot as you know from some of my past blogs. Many times when Rose and I are together doing clay, we give each other pieces of canes that we have made.
These beads that Rose made were from canes that she had made and from pieces that I had given her. I think they are awesome. I'm waiting to see what she is going to make with them. I tried to tell her they match what I'm wearing. That's a joke we have. Every time I make something it seems as though she is wearing something that absolutely matches what I made. There will be four of us doing clay together very soon. Sweet Rose, my lovely friend Evelyn who also has a strange and beautiful knack for colors and my good friend Judy who had breast cancer surgery two weeks ago and has to have it again next week. I will be thinking about her but I know she's going to be OK. My three friends do some wonderful, colorful things with clay and they inspire me.

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