Thursday, July 16, 2009

This set is from a Kaleidoscope polymer clay cane that I did with left over clay. I was fortunate to get 3 pendants, a pair of earrings and enough beads for a bracelet. This is my favorite set of jewelry right now and I can't duplicate it so it won't be going on Etsy but I'll be coming up with more One Of a Kind items for Etsy very soon. I'm working on some wild canes which hopefully will make some wild items. I'll be gone back to Wisconsin for two weeks starting July 26th so my Etsy shop will be closed and this blog will be sleeping but until then I hope to publish enough fun stuff to last till I get back. It better be cool when I get there. I'm tired of this heat. I'm starting to feel like a mushroom in this house. It was 119 on the patio the other day.

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