Saturday, August 28, 2010


For the last year or so, I've been losing things, mostly things in my studio that I use for polymer clay.  I bought a set of Prisma Color pencils that I used for a class that I took a couple months ago with Debbie Anderson.  Spent hours looking for those pencils, never found them.  Last week after our clay guild meeting I lost my precious over-sized acrylic roller.  I always blame Evelyn for packing my things away.  I called to see if she had it and of course she didn't.  I found it a couple hours later in the box with my clay, I never put that in there.  Last night I was looking for a box of beads I thought I had and couldn't find it, I opened the box with my glitter in it and lo and behold, the Prisma Colors were under the glitter.  I believe it's time for me to go to the Polymer Clay Nursing Home.  If you are interested in putting your name on the list for the future, please let me know.  You won't be getting nursing home food, we will have pizza brought in a couple times a week and if any of us are still driving we'll get Subway sandwiches, chinese food, ice cream and chocolate.  During the day we'll be doing polymer clay and at night we'll be watching x-rated movies.  Evelyn and I will be sharing a room because we have matching furniture and then I can blame her for everything that's missing.

I finally finished my cat pendant.  It's like the one Rose bought me for my birthday that Lupe made but I put a seed bead necklace on it.  I put it in my Etsy store today.

This is my "Hot August Night" necklace.  I finally got a decent picture and I put this in my Etsy store also.

I just finished this last night.  It's a purple, silver, turquoise and brass polymer cabochon that I beaded around with brass seed beads.  The necklace is a twisted herringbone and a brass toggle.  I put this in my Etsy store today also even though I would have liked to keep it for myself.

It's 8:14 p.m. here in Arizona and I'm sure the polymer clay nurses will be coming with my medications pretty soon.  Hope they bring a chocolate martini to wash them down.


  1. I love the polymer clay nursing home idea! Imagine all us polymer clay/jewelry artists eventually ending up in the same place together?! Look out! Save me a spot in a few years, okay!

  2. You are too funny with your nursing home comments. I am glad you are choosing to share a room with Evelyn and not me. Someone has to be a victim better her then me. I love your beaded pendant I wonder if I can get away with sneaking it out of your house, you may think you misplace it and go crazy looking for it under you glitter. I love you Bonnie I think you are claytastic.

  3. lol I can relate for sure. But I don't think it's affected your clay work yet, beautiful.

  4. Wow, I'm feeling very inspired and want to get some clay tomorrow since I'm taking the day off! THANK YOU! LOVE the kitty pendant!! :)

  5. I love that necklace, the color combination , the pendant as well as the beaded necklace. Awesome! It's bead crochet right? I've done quite a few beaded bracelets and necklaces but haven't tried this out yet. Hope to do so soon.

  6. Me encanta el collar del gato.
    Original textura y color ¡¡¡

  7. Oh, please save me a place in the Polymer Clay Nursing Home. I think I'm ready now! And pour me one of those chocolate martinis, will you, please?

    Those necklaces are all totally, absolutely, and completely wonderful!
