Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My husband took me out for an elegant dinner on my birthday and I noticed the lady at the next table putting lipstick on after she ate dinner.  Then she took a drink of water and there was lipstick all over the glass.  Then she took out a Kleenex from her purse and wiped the lipstick off the glass.  Now I'm holding the arms of the chair to keep me in it.  I just don't get it.

I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a glass or cup that had lipstick on it because the new lipsticks have so much wax and chemicals they don't come off the glasses in the dishwasher.  I hardly ever wear lipstick and if I do, I don't put it on before I eat (but I eat or drink all the time).  It would be a waste.  I'm begging you ladies, please don't put lipstick on before or during a meal especially in a restaurant.  OK, now I feel better.  Had to complain about something today.


I'm so excited, you know I've been complaining about my camera and I can't get good macro pictures.  Well, I showed the camera to hubby because he swore it was operator error (me?????).  Anyway, he couldn't get it to do a real close-up macro either.  So now I'm getting a new camera.  They had a special going on at Home Shopping Club for a Fuji S2500 that takes 12 mega pixel pictures.  You know he's going to make me read the whole manual don't you?  This means there will be more pictures on my blog and in my Etsy store.  Hope those nasty people that have been stealing blogs quit pretty soon.  I won't even mention their name or blog here because I don't want people going there.  They did take one of mine and a bunch of Tina Holden's and a few others from other polymer clay people that I know.


My friend Bev asked me to make her a cross with black and gold clay.  I decided to use a tutorial from Barbara McGuire to make the clay.  It's her Mokume Gane tutorial.  Wasn't sure how it would work with the crosses but they came out beautiful.  I made one for Bev and did a herringbone chain with size 11 black seed beads to go on it.  I gave it to her today and she loved it.

I find it's really hard to get a good picture of an item that has Magic Glos on it.  Hopefully the new camera will take care of that.

I'll post the pictures of the other ones as soon as my new camera gets here.  CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED?  Watch out everyone, you are going to be on Bonnie's Candid Camera.

This was another cross that I did that has more of Celtic flavor to it.  I put beads on the bottom and strung it on ribbon.

This is a pendant done with Mica Shift, sanded and buffed and then I put Magic Glos on it.  I mentioned before that I purchased a Mica Shift tutorial from Lynda Moseley (SC Diva) and this is one of the pendants that I did. I love the technique, much easier than the carving one.  The necklace is a 4 bead herringbone made with size 11 seed beads and gold hex beads.  By now you must know how much I love herringbone necklaces.  I can listen to my books on audio and whip the necklaces out without having to think too much.  I think they add class to a pendant and if you have never done one, try it.  I do the twist because I like the way it looks.

Wanted to show you the book that my friend Judy made out of polymer clay.  The front cover is the bottom picture.  When you open it up (top picture) she put magnets in it to carry her clay blades.  It's really slick.  The back was really pretty too and I forgot to take a picture of it.

Back to my latest Lisa Gardner book, it's really good.  It's called "The Neighbor".  The library is running out of books on CD for me.  I think I've heard all the good mystery's.  If you know of a good one let me know.  I've done all the Stuart Woods, Lisa Scottline, Harlen Coban, James Patterson and Lisa Gardner books.  I love to bead and do clay and listen to books.  Try it, you'll like it.


  1. Hey Bonnie,

    Thanks for weighing in on my naming contest. AND for your sweet comments as well!

    I'm so sorry to hear you've been victimized by that awful blog stealer. I've been reading Tina's miserable tales about them too. When I searched for that blog out of curiosity to see if they've taken any of my own posts, I found the site inoperable saying it's under construction. Maybe google's been able to get to them after all.

    But the sad thing is it's REALLY easy to set up a new blog, so stay vigilant.

    One thing someone taught me to avoid post theft is to put a link to your own blog at the end of each post. I hope that helps.


  2. Love your new cross! Beautiful!!!Got to make me some of those, after I get done with these lanyards for the retreat...4 more to go, unless our number goes up before the next meeting. Congrats on the new camera!

  3. Did you hear me gasp in wonder when I saw those crosses? They are spectacular!

    Check out Nelson DeMille, Nicci French, and David Baldacci for excellent thrillers. Karin Slaughter's mystery/thrillers can be kind of gory, but they are excellent--read them in order. Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels are mysteries, full of great humor.
