Friday, September 17, 2010


Yesterday I was looking for some clay to condition for our clay guild meeting this weekend and I found a package of colored sand that had never been opened.  SURPRISE.  I look for one thing and find others and never find the things I'm looking for and Evelyn isn't here for me to blame.  LOL.

I found the sand and I found a pile of translucent clay and decided I would dust and iron some other time.

I have about 8 colors of this Scenic Sand and it says it's color safe and doesn't bleed and yadda, yadda, yadda.  They didn't lie.  I made little piles of sand filled translucent clay, I spilled some of the red sand in Booboo's bed so I had to stop and clean that up.  I made some beads, baked them, put them in the tumbler for 4 hours and buffed each and every one of those little suckers.  Here is what I made and I have to say, I think this would be perfect for a day at the beach in Jupiter, Florida.

The beads on the earrings don't match but most days I don't even know if I'm wearing shoes that match so this works for me.


Cindy Lietz does wonderful tutorials every week.  I had some clay leftover so I incorporated two of her tutorials.  One is the Leopard Cane and the other one is The Rocker Bead.  Please go to Cindy's website and join all of us Cindy followers so you can see the amazing videos that she does every Friday.  The cost is really minimal and whether you are an experienced clayer or a newbie, her tutorials will teach you the art of polymer clay.  There is no where else on the web that you can get this amount of information and be able to see someone actually do these things.  She is the inspiration for the necklace I made tonight.

I have more of the Leopard Cane beads in the rock tumbler that I will be buffing and trying to decide what to do with them.   I love these beads, they are so unique and I can't wait to try the Leopard Cane with different colors.

Thanks for visiting.  Time to take the cat and go to bed.  Big day at the Arizona Clay Guild tomorrow.  Next week is 4 days of claying in Prescott.  Besides spending time with one of my favorite friends Judy, 24 other clayers will be there.  This year we have a man so we all have to be on our best behavior.  Wonder if he understands "HOT FLASHES"?


  1. Bonnie WOW!!! The beach set is gorgeous! And man, oh man, oh man... do I LOVE your leopard print rocker beads!! What a great combination! (Sorry for all the exclamation marks but I am really impressed!)

    Thank you for saying what you said about my tutorials. You are a teachers dream come true! You try every technique, do a great job and put your own little spin on it.

    Have a great time at your retreat. You have worked hard and deserve a little 'you' time, immersed in your art and connecting with friends. ~Cindy Lietz

  2. Bonnie, You did beautiful work on both the leopard print necklace and the beach beads. But, I've got to tell you, I LOVE those beach beads. They have a beautiful sheen to them and they look like real, polished beach glass. What a great idea to use that colored sand!

  3. I especially like your colored sand beach beads. They're TERRIFIC! You are so creative and seem to have anendless ability to combine things and really make them work. KUDOS.
