Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I'm so excited.  Today is the day we leave for our Arizona Polymer Clay Guild 4 day camp excursion.  My friend Judy and I are going up a day early.  Camp starts tomorrow about 10 and ends Sunday at noon.  There will be 25 of us up there doing nothing but polymer clay for 3 days.  I started packing Sunday afternoon and have been packing ever since.  I took a ton of stuff last year and this year I have twice as much stuff and I don't know why.  I will be teaching a few people how to do herringbone beading and wire wrapping so I had to take all my wire wrapping tools and wire and my beading stuff?????????????  I have 3 scrapbook boxes full of clay, my rock tumbler, 2 ovens, buffer, 500 cutters, 400 tools, 20 clay books, inks, paint, stamps and everything but the cat.  He tried getting in one of the bags and changed his mind.  I hope Judy's car has enough room because this is CRAZY.
The little duffle in the front are my clothes for 4 days.  Hopefully I'll have a lot of great pictures to post when I get back.



  1. YUP! My place looks about 1 day behind yours...I haven't packed the clothes!

    Should I bring another oven?? I have 2 huge extension cords!

  2. Have a great time at your retreat Bonnie. I know all about packing up that clay stuff. The only way to minimize 'stuff' is to go by plane and then you are limited to just the clothes on your back because all your luggage has to be filled with polymer clay stuff. Talk about "nothing to wear" for four days, LOL. Hope everyone has a fun time and wish I could be there. And maybe the cat could hide in a piece of luggage...

  3. Hope you had a blast at clay camp. Will be checking back to see all you made.
