Thursday, October 7, 2010


Finally got my Artfire shop up and running.  Not much in it yet but I really like it.  Seems easier than Etsy and the shop looks pretty good.  I know a lot of artists are moving from Etsy to Artfire and I'm going to keep both going till the end of December and see what happens.  There are a lot of beautiful things on Artfire and I hope they get a lot of business.  The link is


When I was little my aunt told me that on Halloween all the cats in the world would change.  Their eyes would be green and would shine at night and if you pet them, they would glow in the dark.  She's also the one who told me there was no tooth fairy.  As you know if you have read any of my other blogs that I have a cat named Booboo who was born on Halloween and will be 19 this year.  He does not glow in the dark but he does sing in the dark.  Anyway, this morning he was singing and I got to thinking about the glow in the dark cats and decided I needed to make some earrings.  I put them in my Artfire shop and I think I'll do some black cats too.  These do have shiny eyes because I put crystals in them.  They look green in the dark.

I need to learn how to take pictures in the dark.  BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Last week I wrote about what a wonderful time we had at clay camp and all the great things we got and did and I forgot to mention the gorgeous lanyard that was in my goody bag.  My friend and clay guild pal Lupe, made lanyards for everyone at camp.  The amount of work in these things is incredible.  I wore mine for 4 days.  I put a flashlight on the end one day but it kept banging into things and knocking things over so I took it off.  Anyway, Lupe also opened an Artfire shop and has some gorgeous things in it.  Check it out

One side of the focal bead has the Arizona Polymer Clay Guild emblem on it and the other side is this beautiful Kaleidoscope cane that Lupe did.  She is so talented and she takes care of her father in law, animals and a pool.  Thanks Lupe, hope your Artifire shop goes great.

Please keep checking my Artfire shop and let me know what you think.

Tomorrow is our 29th wedding anniversary and we can't decide where to go for dinner, probably end up at Taco Bell.


Last night my friend and I went into Phoenix to see the America's Got Talent top 10.  It was at the Dodge Theatre and we had great seats.  17th row on the aisle.  Show started at 7:30 and from 7:30 to 8 the ushers were bringing people down front to their seats which really upset the people that got there in time.  One lady grabbed an usher and told her to lock the doors.  A woman sitting behind us kept taking out her phone and listening to messages, very loud messages.  I finally told her to put it away.  People were getting up and down constantly.  I just don't get it.  Why are people so rude now?  I wasn't brought up that way. 
Those people on the stage don't deserve to have someone walk out in the middle of their performance.  It was a wonderful show.  My favorite of course was Prince Poppycock.  That guy is an entertainer.  He's the only one that got a standing ovation.  Michael Grimm the $1,000,000 winner was really great too.  He's quite a singer.  Jerry Springer was the MC and I'm NOT saying another word about that.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post, Bonnie! Thanks for mentioning my lanyards and shop. Wishing you much success in your Art Fire shop as well! Absolutely love your glow in the dark kitties! Are you selling any glow in the dark kitty necklaces? I am off to your Art Fire shop.
