Saturday, October 9, 2010


My husband said I should make a mouse to go with the glow in dark cat earrings and I thought that was pretty silly.  Next thing I know I'm looking in a Christi Friesen book to see if there were any mice in there because I for one don't like mice and don't care what they look like.  Well, I made some glow in the dark clay and put some black embossing powder in it and the next thing I knew I had a mouse.  I showed it to Booboo and he pulled it out of my hand and started batting it around the floor.  I set the mouse on the chair and he kept moving trying to get the mouse.

I made 2 more and gave them to my friends Judy, Evelyn and Rose today just for a laugh.  I have to make more now because they wouldn't give them back.

I glued their leather tails in with liquid Sculpey before I baked them.  They do glow in the dark.  I hope the girls remember that before they put them on their night table.  Ha ha ha.  The one on the left got a bigger nose than the rest.  He must have a sinus infection.


Yesterday I woke up with a migraine and spent a lot of time on the couch with an icepack on my head.  The one I have has long strings on it.  Every time I laid on the couch, Booboo would come up and lay on me.  I put the strings on him and he didn't care. He knew I didn't feel good.  He's a soother.  If anyone knows any good ways to relieve a migraine please let me know.  I have drugs but they don't help much.


Today we celebrated Rose's birthday.  It was actually in September but this was the first time we could all get together.  We had a wonderful day.  We went to a big bead store in Tempe, AZ and then to a cute little restaurant for lunch and then to another shopping center and then to Joann's for some serious craft shopping.

I wanted to give her something hand made and I saw a flexible mold from Penny Couch that had roses in it.  Not sure what she's going to use this for but I guess she could put it on her beading bag or her tool bag.


My new camera that I've only had for 3 weeks is broke.  Tried to take some flash pictures and it didn't work.  Sent it back and hope to get a replacement soon so I'm back to using my little Sony.

By the way, I got a box of Good & Plenty from my husband for our anniversary yesterday.  He did take me out for a nice dinner though.


  1. Sorry about your migraine, Bonnie. I have a friend who has them often. Love your mice! So, they do glow in the dark after all...sweet! Did you finally get your fimo glaze at the JoAnn's off the 101 and Indian Bend Rd? That is a nice gift for Rose. many years of marriage? HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  2. Hi Bonnie, Your mice are SO CUTE! Their little leather tails are perfect. Your ArtFire site is looking good and the cats there are super. Rose birthday bash sounds like it was a lot of fun and her Rosie birthday is bag lovely. So sorry to read about your migraine. BooBoo makes a great nurse. Hope you are migraine-less for a LONG time now. What a shame about your new camera. Congratulations on your anniversary.
