Sunday, December 26, 2010


OK, I had to put up the picture of Angel dressed for Christmas.  She is the little Yorkie that was roaming in the desert full of cactus and burrs and was brought to my friends.  SHE MUST BE THE CHRISTMAS ANGEL.


This is the frame I made for my friends Joe and Dee.  This is Scooter.  They rescued him before he was about to be euthanized.  He is a great dog.  Well behaved and he smiles.

This was the polymer clay frame from hell.  It started out black and white and after baking it came out black and beige so I antiqued it.  I usually finish my frames by spraying them with PYMII but it rained here for 2 days and I couldn't do it outside so I had to cover this with Diamond Varathane.  Took forever to dry because it was so damp here.  We aren't use to that in Arizona.  About a month ago I bought the Walnut Hollow stamp set at Michaels.  I really like the way it works on clay.  As you can see by the frames I made, it makes printing in clay really clean.  Now if they would make more in different text sizes and fonts, it would be great.  Think I'll send them an email and find out if they can.

Hope you had a nice Christmas.  We sure did but I still have too much food left and my pants are getting tighter.  Must be that closet with the little shrinking elves in it. :0)


  1. Hi! I am so glad you left a comment on my blog so I could come and find yours!! I love your polymer clay creations and your cat is wonderful!! He looks like he's got the same kind of attitude as our Ramses. Is he vocal like Ramses? If Ramses wants something, you'll KNOW it!! :-) I'll be back to visit often... Hugs, Silke

  2. Hi there! I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog and not only about the polymer projects, but the animalls too! :) Happy New year!

  3. I think your dog might also look great in a costume since has Christmas dog costumes which would definitely look cute on your furry friend.
