Saturday, December 25, 2010



The last 35 years we have shared our Christmas holiday's with at least one cat, sometimes two and this year is no different.  Last night my husband and I opened our fun gifts to each other and there was lots of paper.

He looks so mean but he's such a happy cat.  For those of you who don't follow the Booboo antics, he was 19 on Halloween.  I was unwrapping presents and I heard the noise and there he was.  He's in pretty good shape for 19.  He still plays with balls when he's not sleeping.  He sits outside the shower and waits for me and yells at me when I've been gone too long.  He doesn't like dogs and chased my friend Brenda's dog Otis under the bed last week.  He's never done that before.  Poor Otis was shaking when we finally got him out.  So, I had to make a gift for Brenda and Otis.  I really like doing these frames with polymer clay but I don't like painting and the wood on these frames is peculiar.

Another mean picture of Booboo. :0)

Tonight we are having 9 friends over for dinner, we are doing something out of the ordinary.  We are having shrimp, crab and pizza.  We bought three big pizza's from Papa Murphy's yesterday and that's what we are having for dinner along with the 10 kringles my husband's brothers sent us for Christmas.

MERRY CHRISTMAS and would someone please buy me some bigger pants?

1 comment:

  1. ¡Preciosos mascotas!
    Te deseo una FELIZ NAVIDAD y que el 2011 nos traiga amor, estabilidad y salud.
