Friday, December 10, 2010


My friends decided that we needed to exchange hand made gifts this year.  Since we all do polymer clay together very often, I wondered what would turn up.  I got a big surprise.  It's apparent these girls have gotten to know each other very well.  The gifts were incredible and they all fit to a tee.  Rose did Steampunk which really surprised me.  Judy did sophisticated which really surprised me, Evelyn did wild and fun (another surprise).  We got together today to do a little clay, exchange gifts and eat some wonderful home made soup.

I did something a little different this year.  I made them jewelry but I also made picture frames.  I found some great Tim Holtz keys with words on them so after I put the polymer clay on the frames I put on some bling and a key.  It was fun and I now I have to do 4 more for gifts.  Here are some of the pictures of the things that we got from each other today.

These are the frames before the beads and keychain.  Forgot to take a picture of the finished product without the pictures in it. 

This is the necklace I made Rose.

 This is the fish pendant that Evelyn made Rose.  Not done yet.  Soon to swim this way.

This is Judy's gift from Rose.  CF would be so proud.

Rose's necklace from Judy.  It is awesome.

Evelyn's necklace and earrings that I made.

My gift from Rose.

My gift from Evelyn.  Looks like me.  Nice lips.

There are more but I think this is enough for tonight.

Glad I'm not back in Wisconsin, they are going to get 10 inches of snow tomorrow night.

Look at the size of the pull tab I found in my Hershey's Kisses Mints.

Too bad I didn't win a prize for that.


  1. what a wonderful time we had. There was lots of eating joking laughing and claying who could ask for anything more.
    I loved all my great gifts from my favorite girl pals.

  2. These are beautiful handmade creations! Glad you all had a wonderful time! I can just imagine all the joking and laughing. See you all Saturday!

  3. What gorgeous pieces you all made! Bonnie, I especially love the floral necklace you made (love the way you did the pendant.) And the textured necklace/earrings you made looks stunning. Looks very metallic--did you use Pearl Ex, or mica clay, or ? Just love your work, and your writing style always makes me laugh. Sorry about your burnt oven...good thing you caught it when you did! Have fun~ Kat
