Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Last week when my BFF's and I had our Christmas luncheon and exchanged gifts, Judy gave me a gorgeous necklace and I wanted to show it off  but couldn't get the right picture.  I think I finally got it.

The beads are beautiful and the colors are amazing.  She did a herringbone necklace and it has two lobster claws on each side so it can be opened on either side and things can be added if need be.  This girl designs some incredible pieces.  AND, today her Sutton slice was featured on Tonja Lenderman's blog.  You can go there and see it by clicking on Tonja's blog on the left side in my blogs that I am following.


My mom is really hard to buy for.  This year she said she only wanted gift cards from McDonalds and Wendys.  She doesn't need clothes or any junk so I made her a frame out of wood and polymer clay.

I bought a bunch of frames at Joanne's and didn't know what I would do with them.  I really enjoy doing these.  The problem with these frames, they don't come with glass in them.  The first three I made I put glass in from some frames I bought at Wal-Mart and the glass was very nice.  I went to the 99 cent store and bought some frames and the glass isn't so nice.  Guess it's time to hit the garage sales.

The picture is of my great nephew.  He's my mom's first great grand child.  She thinks the sun rises and sets on him so I figured by putting his name on the frame and putting his picture in it, everyone will be happy.  LOL  I think I better make another one for his grandma and grandpa (my brother).


OK, I can't blog without putting up something about my 19 year old Booboo.  This week he chased a bigger dog into the back bedroom because the dog was eating his food.  The dog crawled under the bed and we had to go under and get him.  He was shaking when he came out.  Booboo doesn't have claws so this was pretty funny.

During the winter Booboo likes sleeping on my bed during the day because I put an afghan on the bed and sometimes when we take a nap I put the electric blanket on.  He likes being a warm cat.  Today he was sleeping really cute and I tried to take a picture of him without waking him up.  DIDN'T WORK.

This is what a mad cat looks like when you wake him up from a nap.


1 comment:

  1. What nice Christmas gifts those frame will make! Booboo is a cool cat! I can't believe he chases dogs..as old as he is! I love his Old Guy Face! What a character!
