Saturday, December 18, 2010


As many of you know my friends lost a very lovable little dog by the name of Annie.  They got her last December and she died in April.  She was a little Yorkie.  She stole everyone's heart.  It took a long time for all of us to stop crying after she died.  She left a big hole in everyone's heart.

In July they adopted another dog by the name of Honey:
Honey is on the right, Beau her brother is in the front, he's 7.  Their friend Scooter is in the back.

Honey doesn't like tall men.  She bites my husband in the back of the ankle every time he turns his back on her.  She is getting better, now she just barks at him.

Last Saturday I got a call saying their groomer showed up at the house with a little gift that she found wondering around the desert.
They were sent an Angel.

Her eyes were all gunky and she was full of burrs and cactus.  Isn't she adorable?  She is so sweet and can run like crazy.  I can't imagine anyone throwing a baby like this out in the desert but it's happening a lot.  They think she's about 7 months old.  She sure has added a spark to everyone's life.  I'm going to steal her, hope the cat likes her.  They appropriately named her Angel.


Today the Arizona Polymer Clay Guild had it's Christmas party.  We had a great raffle and we exchanged gifts.  I made a picture frame and thought it would be a great idea to put a picture of a good looking guy in it.  I never dreamed that our oldest (83) member would get my gift.  I thought perhaps one of our funnier members would get it.

I was a little worried about what she would think but her daughter said she was going to give her a pair of thongs (not shoes) for Christmas.  I don't even want to think about that picture.  I told Grandma Dorothy this cowboy would be at her house at 6 o'clock tonight.  She yelled "woohoo".  I didn't expect that.

I think I'll keep the cowboy and let her have the frame.  LOL

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