Sunday, February 20, 2011


This morning I wrote the names of everyone who left me a message on my blog about what they wanted for Valentines Day.  I put them in a bag and had "My Sweetheart" pick two names out of the bag.  The first name he picked was Rose and the second name he picked was Desert Rubble.

Rose, you are the winner of the first set of items:

Desert Rubble, this is yours:

  Please send me an email with your address and I will get them in the mail on Tuesday when the post office opens.

Thanks everyone.  I'll probably do this again at 20 or 25, 000.


  1. I cannot believe I won this. I am so happy I will wear this proudly. Happy, Happy day to me .

  2. I LOVE winning things, this is so awesome! Thankyou Bonnie =) Love your blog and your work!
