Thursday, February 17, 2011




In the new issue of Polymer Cafe there is an article and pictures on page 42 about some cute little flower pots.  The pots were done by my good friend Judy Kelly.  I'm so happy for her and so proud of her.  She did a great job writing the article.  Judy's been doing clay for about 2 years now and she's an inspiration to me the way she puts things together like these little pots.

  She wasn't sure when it was going to be published so we were all surprised when it came out this month.  Now that the magazine is out I can put pictures of some of her little flower pots on my blog.
Click on the picture to enlarge it for details.  It was made with a Black and White flower cane and some scrap canes.  The lady bugs were a gift from Anita Brandon.

Judy wanted me to put this picture in with the mouse.

This is another one of Judy's tiny pots that she flattened the back on and added a pin so it could be used as a pendant.
This is another one that was turned into a pin and all the pots were made with canes and scrap clay.
Judy says she has a black thumb when it comes to live plants and she wanted something in her craft room window that she didn't have to water and fuss with and that's when the little pots appeared.

Desert Rubble in Polymer Cafe

You should also notice there is an article in there about Lynn Reno more commonly known as Desert Rubble.  Lynn does beautiful work and is really deserving of this great article.  Check out Lynn's pieces on Artfire


As you know my friends and I took Christi Freisen classes in Tucson last week. Evelyn just finished her dragon. We are so proud of her too. She has Macular Degeneration and her eyesight is really bad so she struggles with detail. She decided she wanted scales on her dragon.

Isn't he cute?


This is the latest frame I made for a friend to give as a birthday gift.  She has 3 dogs.  I don't put the glass or backing on to take a picture because it reflects back.  I love doing these but I hate painting them.  Getting more requests for frames, might get to be a full time job at this rate.



  1. I'm so glad you posted pics of Judy's pots, they're wonderful, I love them!

    Thanks for adding me to your post Bonnie =)

    Evelyn's Dragon is awesome, love the scales. Love your frame, too, so colorful!

  2. Awesome photos, are such a great friend to post them for her here on your blog! Love Evelyn's dragon and your frame too! These little pots are fun! I haven't bought my issue yet, but certainly will now that I know Judy is in it and so is Desert Rubble. Congrats to the both of them! 8)

  3. Love the frame. Its so colorful and the texture is quite interesting. Judy's pots are beautiful too.

  4. I hadn't taken the time to read my new "PolymerCAFE"and I'm so glad that you mentioned Judy wonderful little flower pots and excellent article and also the one on Lynn. Such cool work from both of them and it was fun to read about Lynn.

    Love both Evelyn's cute dragon and your lovely frame with it's creative use of the written word.The detail Evelyn got is truly amazing given what you wrote about her vision. WOW. I always love your use of color and your frame is no exception. It's very subtle and so pretty.

  5. PS, Enjoyed seeing your featured work and Pixie's work on Desert Rubble's site!
