Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This past weekend my 3 BFF's and I went to Tucson for the big gem show and to take some classes from the amazing Christi Friesen.

This is us with Christi.  She's the one on the right who doesn't look like she stayed up all night.

We did 4 classes.  Steampunk shark, Steampunk butterfly, Steampunk dragon (he's in the oven) and an Amber heart (needs finishing).  You'll see it soon.  LOL

She is the most incredible teacher.  We had advanced polymer clay people and some who had never done it before and she was able to get us all going, working, laughing and creating.  She is the most up person I've ever met.
She's also the funniest.....  She had us laughing for 3 days and she lets you eat in class.  LOL

She has a new book out called Woodland Creatures which was waiting for me when I got home.  Isn't that squirrel adorable?  You can get this book and all her other ones at http://store.cforiginals.net/.  She has an awesome set of tools for polymer clay also.  They are called "You can't live without them tools".  She also has some free tutorials on her website that are wonderful.  One of the greatest things about Christi Friesen is, she is the most sharing and giving (that's two) teacher.  We were talking about how we can't wait till next year to take more of her classes.  I better stop before she has to pay me for saying so many nice things about her.  OH, I forgot, she got us hooked on Steampunk.


We had a great time in Tucson.  We watched the Packers win the Super Bowl.  Evelyn and I were happy, Rose and Judy not so much.  The guy in the room next to me on Sunday night couldn't hold his liquor.  LOL
We had a wonderful breakfast on Monday morning at the Bread and Butter Cafe in Tucson, there were a couple real cowboy's in there (very nice).  We got to see a lot of Tucson thanks to Judy's GPS.  It took us to some places we really didn't want to see.  YIKES

Good to get home with Booboo and hubby.  Booboo is doing much better.  He was singing at 5 this morning so I know he's feeling better.

More Christi Friesen and Steampunk to come.

When I got home yesterday there was another package in the mail for me from Dave and Carolyn Good.  Last week I was the lucky winner of their drawing for this beautiful necklace.  It's so much prettier in person.  You can see all the beautiful things they do at http://2goodclaymates.blogspot.com/.  They have some wonderful free tutorials on their website also.
Thanks again Dave and Carolyn.

While I was gone to Tucson, my blog hit the 15,000 visitor mark.  Since this is a milestone for me, I am going to do a giveaway.  Come back Thursday to see what it is.  TEE HEE HEE.


  1. Looks like a fun time you had in Tucson! Sorry you didn't get the pendant before you left but glad you have it now and happy you are enjoying it!

  2. Oh it sounds like you all had an amazing time! Jealous, so jealous!!

  3. Sounds like you had a great time in Tucson and PC classes with Christi! Beautiful necklace that you won. Hope to see at the next guild meeting! Also, can't wait to see your pendants when you get them finished.

  4. Loved your blog today. Great pictures. I'm so jealous you won the heart congrats

  5. looks like you've been having fun!
    Love that shark!
