Thursday, February 10, 2011


I promised I was going to do a give away and post it today but I had an emergency and didn't get a chance to take pictures so the give away will be up either tomorrow or Saturday.

This is Dumbledore Dragon.  I made him in one of the fabulous Christi Friesen classes that I took in Tucson last weekend but he needed a few more things and a good baking.  I finally finished him.  I wasn't sure what to call him.  One friend suggested "SPROCKET" and I really liked that but I think I'll save that one for a more mechanical buddy.  Another friend said I should call him Draco but I being the number one Harry Potter fan didn't like Draco Malfoy so I decided to call him Dumbledore.  My
"friend" also told me that dragons breathe fire so I shouldn't leave him in the garage and start the garage on fire again.  Every time I call their house he tells his wife "The Arsonist" is on the phone.

  I've spent 3 days trying to explain "STEAMPUNK" to my husband.  It's not working.  He does not understand why my dragon has screws and bolts.

This is a polymer clay frame I finished for my friend Bev.  She's going to give it to her doctor who's daughter's name is Riley.  I have two more orders for frames, 17 pendants to wire wrap and 30 key chains to make for my nephew's fiance's wedding shower.

Quit blogging Bonnie and get to work.


  1. Love the dragon (I was hoping you were going to have him as the giveaway prize when I read the title)! Dumbledore suits him. it should be obvious why a dragon needs screws and bolts - to make him look amazing!

    Blogging is a good diversion, hope you get all your stuff done!

  2. I agree...his name suits him. You did a wonderful job! He is a beautiful steampunk dragon!
