Sunday, March 6, 2011


A few weeks ago I took 4 classes from Christi Freisen when she was in Tucson.  One of the classes was an elephant class.  She made the cutest elephant in 5 minutes.  This is Christi's pirate elephant.

Well, I finally had some time and decided I wanted an elephant.  I finished my elephant and showed him to my husband before I baked him.  As I was just about to tell him it was an elephant, he said "WOW, that's a scary looking bug".  When I told him it was suppose to be an elephant, all he said was "REALLY".  So this is going to be my "Don't Bug Me Elephant".  Now as I look at him, he needs longer floppier ears and his nose should be smaller.  But, I'm the one who took the Dog Lying Down sculpting class and my husband thought it was Darth Vader.

I put a bar on the back of his head in case someone plans to ride him they have something to hold on to.  Now he just needs bails and a necklace and we will be going out looking for peanuts.


  1. don't know what your husbands on about, it;s clearly and elephant! and a cool one too!

  2. lol on your DH, men are so silly! I think he turned out awesome Bonnie, wonderful job!

  3. Looks like an elephant to me! You have the best way with words, Bonnie. Another name you've made up that I love.

  4. That is exactly the kind of thing my DH would say...maybe it's a man thing.

    I love your elephant, I thought elephant when i first saw it ... now I see the bug too. The name is perfect!! Beej
