Saturday, March 5, 2011


Yesterday we had our monthly clay day here.  Rose could only stay for a short time because she had to play grandma.  So the three of us decided to make "polymer clay Pandora beads".  Judy bought us some big eyelets and we proceded to experiment by trying to do it different ways.  I looked at Pandora beads on the internet and they are different sizes but I think we did what I call "Big Honking Beads".

These are Judy's beads after baking but before polishing.  She has a wild imagination and so she makes pretty, colorful, wild beads.

These are Evelyn's Pandora beads.  The ones on the left she made with an old can I gave her the red, yellow, green (etc.) ones on the right were made with a cane she got from one of our guild members.

I made this cane yesterday.  It's called a Lynne cane.

Here are my "Big Honking Pandora Beads" that I made from the cane.  These were in the rock tumbler and then I buffed them.

These I made when the girls were here with a magenta and white cane and I polished these with Fimo gloss.

Here you can see there are 4 beads and 2 bobbins that I filled with clay and put the same cane in.  The beads have little balls on them and that took longer than the beads.

This was fun and I'm going to experiment some more with translucent clay and more canes.

Now I just need a jump rope to hang them on.  LOL

They really aren't that big.  TEE HEE HEE