Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ready Or Not Here Come The Bags AND CLAY DAY

Two weeks from Saturday is our craft fair here in Sun City West.  Our beading club will have a booth and we are each allowed 20 items.  The items have to be tagged with our 3 letter code, the number and the cost.  Then we have to write out an inventory list with each item and the item has to go in a bag with our code and list number on it.  I've been stressing about it all week because mine has to be in by Monday.  I've been trying to finish things to put in the fair.  I like making things but I don't like finishing them.  I have 18 pieces done so I have till Monday to do two more.  I'm stressed but here's my stash.

You are asking yourself "How come she's blogging instead of working?"  I wondered that too.   Here are some of the pieces I finished in the last couple days.  Some I want to keep for ME.

This is one of my favorite bracelets.  I love this cane.  It was left over from the necklace I made Rose for Christmas.

These beads were made from a butterfly cane that Judy and I tried one day.  Didn't care for it but I like the beads now.

Not a good picture of the cat but he's really cute.  Covered in Magic Glos.  I made the necklace with pieces of chain that I bought.  Chain, chain, chain, chain of fools.  LOL

This is a golf stroke counter with the butterfly beads, Swarovski flat backs and a cute lady bug sitting on one of the beads.


Tomorrow the girls are coming over for clay day.  We are going to try and make Pandora Beads.  There are about 20 other things we wanted to do but may not get to.  As Rose says "If your claying your playing".

If you get a chance, check Desert Rubble's blog.  She has the cutest fish on there.  I want a bunch.  Lynn does the most incredible stuff with clay and powders.  Check out the latest Polymer Cafe to see her tutorial in there.
Here fishy, fishy.


Angel was buried today and is now with Annie.  If you ever need help or understanding about an animal, check out Rainbows Bridge  Take some Puffs with you.  You can send a person who has lost a pet an e-card from there.  It's a virtual memorial home for your pet.

I didn't mean to end on a sad note but animals are part of my life and that's mostly what this blog is for.  Sometimes I think the cats and dogs in my life understand everything I say and some of the people don't.


  1. Oh I'm lmao about the blogging and not working! I love the beads made from the butterfly cane but it looks like it was a wonderful butterfly, those colors are so great. You're so sweet to mention my fishies Bonnie, I'm pleased you like them! they're so fun =) I hope you get your 2 items finished (or more, depending on how many you keep lol)

  2. nothing like blogging for a distraction when you should be working lol!
    I love that first bracelet!
    Good luck getting it all finished and good luck with sales at the fair

  3. Your fishie going in the mail today darling =)
