Sunday, April 17, 2011


These are the pens I received from our clay guild pen swap.  They are beautiful and unique and the one that looks like a pencil really is a pen and the eraser is clay.


Wasn't sure what else to call all these things that I saw at the guild yesterday.

These are beads made by my friend Lupe for our Beads of Courage project.  She sanded and buffed these guys.  Aren't they adorable?

This piece was also done by Lupe and you will see it in your Polymer Cafe this month.  She was the runner up for the Steampunk Challenge.  She's a happy girl.  That was her first time in Polymer Cafe.

These are pieces made by my friend Evelyn.  Look on the right side of the picture.  She made ice cream cone beads for the Beads of Courage project.  They are soooooooo cute.

These are Judy's necklaces.  Rose, Judy and I took a beading class to make spools and make a necklace.  Rose and Judy finished their's, I'm still a work in progress.  The necklace on the right was made with a faux Pandora bead technique.  She incorporated wire, ribbon and beading into this.  It's yummy.

This is Rose's spool bead necklace and she made the little colored beads that go in between out of polymer clay.  Isn't that fun and beautiful?  She's so colorful.


About two weeks ago I got an email from a lady saying she saw my blog.  She told me she had done clay and was allergic to it.  It made her lips go numb.  She told me she had all this clay stuff and wanted me to have it and hoped I could use it.  We emailed back and forth for 2 weeks and I met her Saturday afternoon on our way home from the guild.  She lives about 3 hours from me.  At first I thought this was a little strange but I do have things happen like that.  We loaded 5 bankers boxes from her car to my car along with some little boxes and a plastic box.  It was 95 degrees outside so it was too hot to stand and talk.  She liked the necklace I was wearing so I gave it to her.  When I got home I was stunned.  I have 2 boxes full of clay, some open some new, bead rollers, pasta machines, clay books, cutters, stamps, mold sheets, etc.  and this:
It's called the Syndee Holt Travel Clay Studio.  It has all these bottles of Pearl Ex powders, Lumiere paints, Neopaque paints, Pinata paints and a host of other things.  I felt like it was Christmas.  I'm set for a good number of years on polymer clay supplies now.  I'll be making beads for the Beads of Courage as fast as I can now.  My dear, sweet person that gave all this to me, I want you to know I really appreciate it and hope I can help you with something some day.  Hope you think of me everytime you look at the cat.  Thank you again.  People really are nice and kind.


  1. Es todo maravilloso, y el regalo que has recibido es excelente.Besos

  2. That was very sweet of the gal to give you all her inventory! You deserve it...cuz you are one sweet lady! Thank you so much for posting my creations on your blog! I loved the creations that Evelyn, Rose and Judy made. I am so glad that they are going up this year for the retreat! Can't wait to see what you all do up always come up with some great creations!

  3. Bonnie, this woman must have been sent to you because you are so kind yourself. How perfect that you'll be using these items to make more Beads of Courage.

  4. Your kindness and generosity has touched so many people. This gift to you is absolutely wonderful and what you will be doing with the contents will minister jot to many lives. What a blessing to you and the lives that you touch with beads of courage.
