Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I got my June issue of Polymer Cafe in the mail today and I was sitting outside reading it waiting for my friend Judy and her husband to come and pick up a car by my house.  I started reading the last page titled "The Musings of an Artistic Late Bloomer".  As I started reading I had this feeling I had read this some where before but didn't know why.  I looked up at the top of the page and there she was big as life "JUDY KELLY".  Just then they drove up and I'm running across the street waving my magazine and yelling.  I'm sure the neighbors thought I was nuts.  Judy was in shock when she saw the article.  She didn't know it was going to be in there.  Anyway, for a kid who couldn't draw stick figures or do stained glass she sure has taken to polymer clay.  I'm kind of proud because I sort of pushed her into it.  We were hugging and whooping and then her husband said to me "see, you created a monster".  It wasn't the first time and won't be the last.  CONGRATULATIONS JUDY, you are in the big time girl.

A couple weeks ago Judy, Rose and I took a class on beading on spools.  I sort of left mine sitting there for a while.  Well, now I have a pinched nerve in my back so I couldn't go golfing today.  I decided it was a good time to finish that necklace.

This is the best I could do for a picture.  My computer got a virus and I had to change some programs.  I tried to flip this but my Picasa doesn't want to transfer or work very well right now.  I really like this necklace.  My husband said I should sell it since I never go any where dressy enough to wear it.  Wait till we go out for fish Friday night and I have on my good tee shirt that matches this necklace, he'll be surprised.

Going to ice my back and put all my beads away.  At least I finished something today.

Hey Linda, thanks for your update on the gold prices.  Glad I do polymer and not precious metals.  Love all your information.


  1. Oh, sorry to hear about your back Bonnie! That is so cool about Judy's story...I can't wait to read it, that is wonderful!

  2. Take care of your back Bonnie...sorry its giving you problems today. I loved Judy's story, thanks for sending it to me. Your necklace is gorgeous...its too bad that I don't live in Sun City so I could take some of those classes you gals have been taking. I would keep the necklace...don't listen to your hubby!
