Sunday, April 24, 2011


A while ago I mentioned that my nephew was getting married in September and my sister is having a bridal shower for his fiance.  I told her I would make some shower favors thinking there were would be 15 or 20 people at the shower and then she told me there would be between 40 and 50 and she was having it at some restaurant near her house in Chicago.  The first two words that came to my mind were "BIG MOUTH".

I had to decide what I wanted to do and I wanted something different and special.  I love making pens and putting beads and magnets on them so they will stick to the refrigerator.  I just finished the pens for the quild's swap so I just kept going.  I've got the pens done.
So now I'm working on the tops.  I decided to make hearts.

The front of the hearts have their initials on the top and on the back I stamped
"LOVE" 9-17-2011

I used a lot of Pearlex Powders and Penni Jo Couch's flexible molds.  I just ordered some more from her to use to make the next 40 molds for the hearts.  I love her molds.  I use them a lot when I make beads for the cancer stricken kids at Beads of Courage.  I'm glad my family doesn't look at my blog because these are going to be a surprise for them.  When I finish some I'll take pictures and post them.  If you click on the picture you can see them up close.


Today is my friend's birthday.  I made her a frame with her dog's name and picture in it.

This is Sissy.  She let me put those curlers in her hair and take her picture.  I put a little Yorkie button on the back along with a cat button.  PK use to have a Yorkie by the name of Jose, he always tried to kiss my cat Booboo and Booboo would swing at him (never connected).  Jose would put his head down and start crying and Booboo would just shake his head and walk away.  He was a spoiled brat but was very cute.  Sissy on the other hand is very hyper and very smart and loves kissing but not cats.

Hope you had a nice Easter.  We are having oatmeal for dinner.  We had our Easter dinner Friday night.  When you are retired and away from family, holidays just seem to come and go.  I usually get a bag of black jelly beans every year but I didn't this year.  Must be the oatmeal thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a wonderful idea on the favors! Your pens that your made for the guild were a I imagine these will too! You are getting quite good at making frames. Are you selling any on your stores? Cute picture of Sissy! Love the frame too!

  2. Gorgeous work! Love your colors. You are so very talented. the wedding favors reminded me of the times my mom and I used to do wedding centrepieces and table decorationes; no polymer clay then but crepe paper, pearls etc.
