Monday, May 9, 2011


This might be my last post for a little while.  Booboo is very bad.  I called the vet this morning to get an appointment and they don't want me in till 4 in the afternoon.  I know what that means.  The lady at the vets office has been so sweet I'm just amazed.  If the receptionists in the people doctor offices were that nice it would be wonderful.  If there are typos here it's because I'm having a hard time seeing through my tears.  Sorry.  This should be private but I've made so many wonderful friends through this blog and they were all concerned about Booboo.  My blog is about animals and polymer clay and friends so I figured this would be a good release for me and my friends will be there for me.
I took this picture of him last night laying on my desk.  He always liked holding my thumb while I worked on the computer with my mouse.  I guess I've been pretty lucky to have had him around for 20 years.
So, say a little prayer for him today.  I'm sure Annie and Angel and Grandma are waiting for him with some catnip.


  1. Oh, Bonnie, it breaks my heart to know that your sweet Boo is not doing any better. Crying tears alongside with you. Wish they wouldn't make you wait, but I guess they know better than we do about this things. Praying for healing and the Lord's will for your kittykat. God is with you and will bind your brokenheart...He always's His promise to us. Hugs going your way.

  2. Bonnie, sending hugs your way. You've been very lucky to have Booboo for 20 years. I'll be thinking of you two around 4.

  3. Oh Bonnie,
    This is so difficult for you. We love our animals so much that we consider them a part of us. If Booboo is to cross the rainbow bridge, my two sweet white pups (Sherman and Mr. Peabody)will be there to greet him.
    Treasure your sweet baby always...I am sharing in your tears.

  4. I'm so sorry Bonnie. I am keeping you both in my prayers. I hope you do write about and post photos of Boo. He could make anyone smile and laugh. He was the sweetest. May he have a peaceful journey.
