Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful messages that I got on the blog and on facebook about Booboo.  I wasn't able to do this Monday or Tuesday but I think I'm finally coming around (NOT).  I still look for him in the closet and by the shower.  He followed me around 24/7 for 20 years.  It was like having a 3 year old.  My friends will tell you he was the loudest cat they ever heard and he talked all day long just like a 3 year old.  The doctor said he was pretty sick and wouldn't get better without a lot of invasive procedures.  I don't think Boo would have liked that.  The doctor said I was doing the right thing even though it didn't feel like it.
 Now I have to move on to all the good memories of him.  He was born in a shelter in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Halloween 1991.  I didn't want another yellow tiger cat but grandma went with me to the shelter, that was a mistake.  She opened the door to his cage when she saw him and he jumped on her.  His claws were in her coat so far we couldn't get them out.  He licked her face so hard I thought she was going to lose her glasses.  Since they were attached, I had to take them both home.  Great decision now that I look back.  Thanks grandma.

As you can, he was always in the middle of things.  There's one of his sponge balls.  He brought them to me and I threw them and he brought them and I threw them.  I'm sure I'm going to find 20 of them anytime now.

When he was a baby he had ear mites.  I asked my mom to take him to the vet to get his ears checked because I had to work.  She wrapped him in a towel and put him in the car.  When we saw her in the afternoon she had a big scratch going up her nose and her glasses were way off kilter.  She said by the time she got to the vets he was sitting on her head and had a hold of her nose with his claws to hold on.  She had to ask someone in the parking lot to get the vet to come out to the car to get the cat off her head and out of her hair.  She got mad when we started laughing.  I had to buy him a carry crate to take him to the vet from that time on.  And he screamed.

I don't have any baby pictures of him on the computer.  I'll have to go dig them out and scan them in.  He was adorable when he was little.

Thanks for letting me bend your ear about this guy.  He was a good old boy.


  1. I'm so sorry Bonnie. I'm crying and laughing as I read about the ride to the vet. I hope the good memories help to ease the hurt.

  2. Oh, Bonnie. I'm so sorry for your loss, my friend. I've had to make that awful decision twice in the last year with two of my 17 year old Maine Coons. You think there aren't any tears left and then they run like a river again and again.

    He looks like he was a splendid boy, and I am sure he had a wonderful and happy life with you and your family.

    I'll be thinking of you today.


  3. I'm new to your blog and we have more than one common interest, I see. I have 7 cats. Last year 8, when my dear one Hericita passed at 6 years old from cancer. She also loved sponge balls and would bring them to me wailing and asking to play. I read through your posts about your BooBoo. He was utterly charming and darling and I fell in love with him through your stories.

    My heart is with you at this time and I have wonderful pictures in my mind of him and Heracita playing in a perfectly beautiful garden, batting around a sponge ball and urging each other to "throw it back".

    Many hugs and much love to you. Trudy

  4. Trudy, thank you for your wonderful comments and your hugs. I tried to see your blog but couldn't get there. I'm sorry about Hericita and I hope her and Boo are playing with some rubber balls at Rainbow Bridge while they wait for us.
    Thanks again.
