Monday, September 26, 2011

I'M SO EXCITED, I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Wednesday 25 people from the Arizona Clay Guild are going to Prescott, AZ for a 4 day retreat.
This is the building we will be spending 12 hours a day in doing polymer clay.  This is my 5th year of attending camp and it gets better every year.  We have demos, exchange gifts, share techniques, the food is wonderful and we have lots of snacks.  I packed 100 packages of clay today.  I plan to make as many different kinds of canes as I can.  I'll post them when I get back.

Every person going to camp is donating an item to what we call "Goody Bags".  I guess I can show you what I made now since it's only one day away.

These are polymer clay magnet sticks.  There is a heavy duty magnet on each end.  I use mine all the time for picking up my clay blades (I drop them a lot and they are hard to pick up from the floor) or to hold the blade while you are working.  These can also be used to hold metal pieces when you are making jewelry.  It will stick to your pasta machine and the blade can be held there.  My husband actually designed this.  He has one in the garage for picking up screws and little things that he drops.

If you want to see some great gifts check out my friend Lupe's blog  Her spice jars are gorgeous and she's saving one for me with a cat on it.

Hope all my stuff fits in the car.  Every year I say I'm not going to bring as much and I still do.

This was last year.

I have 3 less bags this year.  I'M SO EXCITED.


  1. Ok, now I don't feel so bad about all the stuff that I am taking. Love those magnets!!! I am always dropping my blades and I always get nicked when picking them up. Awesome...can't wait to see them up close and use them! SOOOO excited about going!

  2. Have a fab time! so what were in those 3 bags your not taking this time?

  3. Bonnie, I wish I had your endless energy! Have a wonderful time and thanks for sharing those clever magnet sticks. You always have such great ideas.
