Thursday, October 6, 2011


Had 5 wonderful days in Prescott with my BFF's at the Arizona Polymer Clay Guild's annual retreat.  Before I left, I printed out a copy of the directions to make a peony cane.  Judy, my table partner, also printed out those directions so you can imagine our surprise when we both said we were going to make a peony cane.  We started at the same time but I was done with mine in a little over an hour and Judy was still working on hers 6 hours later.  I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was taking her so long.  Well, I was missing 3 pages in my directions.  There were suppose to be 15 pieces of cane that you put together but no not me, I had 6 pieces so my peony was a little less dramatic.
                                             Love the colors and I'm sure it will make pretty beads.

This is what the real peony cane should look like and the directions are here  Thanks Cat, sorry I screwed it up.

What do you call half  of a peony?  Tee hee hee.


  1. Thanks for the link Bonnie... I think I need to stick to canes with instructions, mine looks sick next to this one! LOL

  2. The peony is one of my favorite flowers, so when I saw "Peony Cane" my eyes lit up. To tell you the truth, I like yours better because I can see more detail.

  3. Thanks Linda but I just showed it to my husband and didn't tell him what it was. He said "oh, that's a pretty rose". Don't peony's get a lot of ants in them? LOL
