Saturday, October 22, 2011


My studio/office has finally hit "DISASTER AREA" status.  Normally my 8 foot table is clean because I do beading on one side and polymer clay on the other.  I have 25 plastic, divided cases that I keep my big beads in and a 6 drawer cabinet that has my seed beads in.  Since I've been working furiously to get things done for the craft fair, I am now in total chaos.
I normally wouldn't show this picture but I thought my BFF's could use a laugh.  They usually rave about how clean and organized I am when they come over.  Wait till they see this.  I have a great rolling chair so I just roll back and forth to where ever I need to work.  I also have a CD player on this table.  I listen to books while I'm working.  Our library needs some new books.  I think I've heard them all.  I just can't remember which ones I've listened to and sometimes I bring the same ones home.

At least I finished two more pieces today.

This is a crystal, glass heart that I didn't know what I was going to do with.  I've had it a long time and it was on a cheap rope.  The heart is really beautiful.  I like it with the turquoise and silver, hope it sells.

The large bead is polymer clay that I did in the ribbon weave pattern.  The gold and black beads are vintage pieces.  A friend gave me her aunts jewelry after her aunt passed and there was a lovely necklace that I took apart and used on some other pieces.  These are two of the beads from the necklace.  Can't decide if I want to leave it this way or add another chain from the middle of the top to the two side chains.  What do you think?  The top seems kind of lonely.

I knew this fair was coming 3 months ago.  What was I thinking?


  1. Love your creations, Bonnie! Love those vintage beads...they look yummy with your basket weave pendant!

  2. Too funny, Bonnie. My workspace looks worse than that ALL the time, LOL. I love both of those necklaces.
