Friday, October 21, 2011


In 12 days I have to turn my items in that I want to sell in the craft fair that our city is having.  I belong to the Beading club here and we are going to have a huge booth and each member is allowed to turn in 20 items and 10 pairs of earrings to sell.  Since I do polymer clay, I want everything I turn in to have some polymer on it.  I'm making earrings but without the polymer.  I finished 4 pieces so far for the craft fair and I only have 12 days to go.  My muse is back but I think she's having hot flashes.

I finished this one today.  It's kind of eclectic.  Lots of beads and silver stuff.  The necklace is two pieces of Kumihimo with size 6 black beads and clear drops.  The swirl bead is quite large.  Haven't decided what price I want to put on it yet.  We have to pay the city and the beading club takes a small amount to support some of our projects and the seller has to pay the taxes.  So by the time they are finished taking their share, I'm not left with much.

This is one of my favorite pieces and I was going to keep it for myself but I decided to sell it.  I'll just have to make another one.


I'm really excited, I'm going to a 2 day face cane class with Barbara Maguire.  Our guild is sponsoring it.  I've never done a face cane before so this should be interesting and I love Barbara Maguire.  I have all her books and her most of her products.  One of the ladies in our guild set the class up and did a great job.  It will be held close to us this time so we don't have to drive to the other side of Phoenix.  I'm not good at faces or sculpting so if it doesn't look bad when I'm done, I'll post pictures of it.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful necklace, Bonnie!

    That's the same kind of thing with our Arts Guild Gallery. The owners of the building don't charge us rent, so they take 40% and the Arts Guild takes 10%. In order to get a decent price on your art, you have to put too high a price tag on things--then nobody buys.

    Ooh, lucky you to take a class with Barbara McGuire!
