Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today is our 30th anniversary of being married and our anniversary of moving to Arizona and moving in our house.  I put a note on facebook about how we thought Booboo (the cat) got out of the house on October 8, 2002 when the moving men were going in and out.  We searched frantically for that little cat.  After the moving men left I heard a noise in the kitchen and found him trying to open the cupboard door to get out.  I can't imagine how he got in.  He must have gone up there to hide from all the commotion.  Boo would have been 20 years old this Halloween and since most of my life was spent talking and playing with that cat, I'm sure I mentioned it at least 100 times or more. LOL

Today when the mail came there was a package in it from Anita Brandon, a very talented polymer clay artist, who lives in Cottonwood, AZ which is about 2 hours from here.  We have never met but we have been emailing each other for a couple of years now.  When I opened the package I was speechless.  The note on the inside read "Bonnie, in memory of Booboo your sweet Halloween fur person".  Then the tears started.

Anita made me a special cat in memory of Booboo.

Isn't he the cutest and most beautiful cat you've ever seen?  I told Anita, Booboo wasn't an angel until the day he died.  My friends called him "The Devil Cat".  He would let them pet him and then try to eat their fingers.

Anita has a wonderful line of Christmas cats in her Artfire store right now at  Her cats are so cute and if you have friends who are cat lovers, they have to have one of these to hang on the tree.

Anita, thank you again for the Angel Cat.  I will treasure him forever.


  1. Bonnie, I'm so glad that you are enjoying the Booboo Cat angel and that he arrived on a day that is special to you and brings back happy memories. Booboo sounds like he was a scamp and a special dear at the same time. I'm sure that he will live on in your memory forever.

  2. Happy anniversary!
    What a sweet gift! I have been admiring her cats for a while. I love how she decorates them with tiny canes.

  3. Happy 30th Anniversary, Bonnie! What a lovely gift you've received from your friend.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Lucky you what a lovely cat - good work Anita!

  5. That is so sweet. And cats -- ah. We lost our cat Buddy when he was almost 20 and I still think I see him walking around the corner.
