Saturday, October 15, 2011


The Sun City West craft fair is November 5th and I'm trying to get pieces done to put in the craft fair but someone stole my muse about a week ago.  When I talked to my BFF's they said the same thing happened to them.  I think it started when someone sneaked in and spiked my oven and burned all my pieces.  I've been looking at pictures on the computer and in magazines to see if my muse would come back.  Yesterday I got a migraine so I took my pill and laid down before I fell down (pretty strong stuff).  While I was laying down I had all these awesome ideas about putting pieces together, and then I fell asleep.  When I woke up, they were gone again.  How and why does that happen?  Today I decided I would only touch one piece and not touch anything else until I had a finished piece.

This is a pendant I made when we were up in Prescott at our clay retreat.  It has chain and green ribbon cord.  This is one of my favorite cats.  He seems very arrogant but stately.  I double wrapped the neck piece just to take a picture of the clasp.  A friend wanted to see how I finished it.

You can click on the pictures to see them closer.  The colors in this one are really pretty.  I made the necklace out of Kumihimo with size 8 seed beads and also used those for the bail.  I really like this one so if it doesn't sell it will be mine. LOL

So, now I have three pieces done and 27 to go.  I need some elves to help me.

The chiropractor will be back Monday and that's the last vacation he's ever going on.  Maybe after he twists me around and gets my back straight my muse will show up again.  Where do you look for a missing muse???????  Call 911


  1. I am sure your muse will show up when you least expect it. I love your cat pendant and the ribbon adds a nice touch to the piece. Love the colors in your second piece. A visit to your chiro will do the job, I am sure of it. My back problems went away after I saw mine two times in a week. It hasn't been bothering me but my knee has. If it is not one thing it is another!

  2. My muse leaves with onset of pain too, but comes back when I'm a bit better. (I get migraines among other things)
    That necklace with the cat is gorgeous Bonnie!!!
    I'm a bit into the kumihimo as well, but would love to learn how to use beads and random size beads, like a beadsoup of pearls, seedbeads, gemstones etc...any idea how to do this?? word verification to post this comment is nunhumb...sounds like I feel...numb, lol

  3. Had to come visit again and have another look :) thanks so much for your help, but no...I still haven't made
