Thursday, December 22, 2011


I mentioned in a post last week that my blog was close to getting it's 30,000 th hit.  I also mentioned that I was going to do a giveaway to celebrate this momentous occasion.

This necklace has one of my favorite cats on it.  The polymer clay pendant is covered in resin and is attatched to 4 pieces of heavy gold chain.  The chains are attached to matching green cords and has a gold lobster claw with a heart on it.  The crystals and beads on the bottom add a little and they don't match on purpose.

If you would like to win this, leave me a comment and tell me one of your New Years resolutions.

On Saturday, December 31st, I am going to take all the names and have my sweetheart pick a name.  He likes doing that.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and get those comments in.

Merry Christmas Booboo, this ones for you.


  1. Oh, my! This necklace is
    G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!!!! I would be in heaven if I won. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at New Year's resolutions but one I do hope I will keep in 2012 is to do more for others, especially those who are in need. That's really been on my heart lately. Merry Christmas to you and yours and hope 2012 is the most blessed yet.

  2. Beautiful! ♥
    I never make resolutions. Normally I set goals for myself to accomplish but this year I am not going to do that either really. Losing my little sister earlier this year made me think differently about life. I am going to spend my time with people I care about and let my muse take me wherever she wants. Even if that is just sculpting snails for the next year. =)

  3. I am not a resolution is just setting my self up for failuer, I do have things I want to accomplish though and the one I most want to accomplish is to learn lamp working!

  4. Congratulations!
    I am looking forward to visiting my family more this new year. I also have a resolution to bead and make my own jewelry.
    Beautiful necklace,thanks!!

    crluckystar at yahoo dot com

  5. Love cats and polymer and yes, in that order. Resolution is I'm cat-less now and need to get one new little fur fairy for this house.

  6. My resolution is to be more creative in my free time and less come home from work and sit on my butt :)

  7. This is a beeutiful giveaway. My New Years resolution is to try and lose some weight.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Happy Holidays!" Your handmade
    necklace is gorgeous...The cat
    motif is perfect! Resolutions are
    infrequently made by me, but this
    coming year, I hope to have my almost
    26 years of marriage working
    Many thanks, Cindi

  10. Beautiful necklace, Bonnie! I try and set goals for myself. I plan to concentrate on my health for the new year. This year was awful. Plan on losing weight and start back at the gym. Also hope to come up with some new creations. And hopefully spend more time with my hubby this coming year. Being a caregiver has been rough this past year. Many blessings to you Bonnie. I thankful for our friendship! Sure hope to win this beauty. Good luck everyone!

  11. This is gorgeous. My sister loves cats and I would love to win this to give to her. I'm trying to get more organized and clear out clutter after the new year. Need to get things done.

  12. My work hours are being reduced to 16 hours a week. So my NY resolution is to take the dog for more walks and then to bead more. That is a beautiful necklace, the coloring and design of the cat is beautiful.

  13. Oh I love love that necklace!!! My resolution is to enter all the contests on ArtBeads next year.

  14. Pretty necklace, Bonnie. Haven't worked polymer clay yet.

    My New Year's resolutions could be one of several things. To be more colorful with my beading, lose weight and declutter.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win the necklace.

