Monday, December 19, 2011


Today I got my February issue of Polymer Cafe and on page 54 I was surprised to see two pictures.  The first one is a necklace made by my dear friend Judy Kelly (who is a on cruise coming back from Spain).  Not sure why my name is on the necklace too and that I live in Prescott, AZ.   I didn't know that either but that would be great for the summer when it's 118 degrees here.  Under Judy's picture is a mask made by another dear friend of mine, Lupe Meter (the very talented Lupe Meter might I add).

I just wanted to congratulate both of them for their great pieces.  Judy never wore jewelry until she started doing clay a couple of years ago and now she makes incredible pieces (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of the box).  As you can see by Lupe's mask, she does very beautiful, precise work.  I wish I had her patience.


I noticed I have almost 30,000 visitors to my blog.  When it hits the 30,000 mark, I'm going to do a giveaway.  Haven't decided what it's going to be yet.  Maybe I'll give away a migraine or a pain in the back.  I have a lot of extra ones of those.  Keep checking back to see what it's going to be and how to win it.

I finally put up a Pinterest board.  It doesn't have much there yet but I'm working on it.  Come follow me if you want, I'm the one with all the pictures of the polymer clay and animals.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting my picture Bonnie! You finally caved in and decided to do pinterest. I was going to but I just didn't have the time. Have fun with that!
