Friday, June 8, 2012


This week at our bead club we had a clay day.  I need to make some beads for my golf stroke counters.  These are good for keeping track of how many times you walk around the mall or block too.

So, I made one of my favorite canes.  I've heard it called a dozen names but I call it the Lynne cane because that was the name of the lady that I first saw do this.

This cane makes really pretty beads.  This is the end so it isn't matching.  I didn't want to cut it in the middle until I decided what to do with it.  I used two packages of blue and two packages of white so I have about 6 inches of cane to use.  I'll post the beads or whatever when I get them done.

Polymer clay puff beads are all the rage now.  I did this one with some left over green clay and I used guilder's paste on it after I baked it.  Sanded it a little and used PYMII for protection.

This was done with left over clay and some left over basket weave clay.  I antiqued it to give it a softer look and then used the PYMII on it.  The picture doesn't show the colors very well but it really is pretty with all the different levels and colors.

My buddy Buster is laying on wet tile that I just vacuumed and mopped.  I don't get it.  He chases the mop, slaps it and then rolls around on the wet floor.  I always used Pine Sol and a little bleach to do the floor until he came along.  I didn't want him licking his feet after he ran through the bleach.  Now I use Simple Green.  I think 9 months for a cat is like terrible twos for kids.  Yesterday everytime I got on the phone, he started throwing his toys out of the box that he sits in by my desk.  Good exercise for me but very boring.  Everyone needs a Buster.  He makes me laugh all day long.

Have to go finish the floors so I can play with clay.


  1. That Lynne cane is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!! Plus the pendants you created are just heavenly!! Wow..I really need to start playing more with clay.I am so inspired by your work!! xoxo Cat

  2. I've been catching up with your blog posts and, as always, am blown away with the diversity of your lovely pieces and your super eye. I think these two Puff Beads are especially terrific. Buddy is such a cutie. He looks like he must be a little lovey scamp.
