Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I couldn't decide what to hang this pendant on and when in doubt, I do a herringbone.  Thanks to Linda Kropp and Lupe Meter, they made up my mind for me. They both said "DO THE HERRINGBONE".   It's finally done and I do like it.

Now I have two more and will have to decide what I want to do with them.  I don't want to do another herringbone.  Wish I had a twin sister who would finish my pieces and just let me sit and do clay all day.

This bead and the ones above have been sanded and buffed.  I started at 320 and finished with 3000.  I was having problems with my pieces after buffing.  There were little marks in the pieces.  I changed buffing pads and what a difference.  Went to look for more buffing pads.  Finally found some on Amazon that were reasonably priced.  So, when your pieces don't buff well, change those pads.


  1. Oh that necklace is beautiful, Bonnie!! Hope to see it up close at the next guild meeting! Super creations!!!

  2. The herringbone looks great with that pendant, Bonnie. I love all the texture!
