Saturday, September 22, 2012


I'm suppose to be getting my stuff ready for clay camp next week.  We leave for Prescott on Wednesday and come back Sunday.  I started organizing and arranging on Thursday and I've made a worse mess than I had before.

The one thing I'm really happy about is the way the extruder box turned out.

I filled the top of the box with magnet sheets that are sticky on the other side and they fit perfect.  Now Buster and I see where the right disk is.  He's so funny.  I was looking for a place near a window to take this picture and he jumped up in his box and acted like he was looking at them too.  I do have duplicates but that's OK. A girl should have two of everything except husbands.  One's enough.

While I thought I was organizing my junk clay, I found a mold and started playing around.

He's a tribal guy.  Not my ordinary stuff but I thought he was cute.  I showed it to John and he gave me one of those strange looks so I grabbed it out of his hand and walked away.  I heard him laughing as I walked away.  What does he know?  Someone will love this and give it a good home.  I'm trying to get out of my "Boring Box".

After I made "Machu Pick Ur Nose", I went back to boring.  I'm trying to use the 6 pounds of junk clay on my desk.  I already have 30 Stroppel canes so I wanted something different.  Maybe getting out of this heat for 5 days will help my brain and my muse.  John and Buster can bond while I'm gone.  Wait till Buster sticks his cold wet nose under his armpit at 4 in the morning like he's done to me the last two days.  I'm not going to tell him about, it's going to be a surprise.  LOL



  1. What a neat extruder box! Love your little tribal guy! I think I have the same type of tribal mold. I am going to use up some of my junk clay for the insides of my Beads of Courage beads. So, I plan to bring some of it up. I have a lot of it too! Looks like Buster may have supervising the packing. He is too cute!

  2. great extruder box - off to look for one myself!

    Have a great time at camp!
