Thursday, September 20, 2012

WHAT TOOK SO LONG???????????

When you have as much polymer clay and beading stuff as I do it helps to be organized but I'm not doing very well at that.  I spend a lot of time on Pinterest looking at the polymer clay things, cute kittens and a few recipes even though I don't cook.  I saw something on Pinterest a few weeks ago where someone had taken two sheets of magnets and put their extruder disks on them.  I thought that was a great idea and then I forgot about it.  Today I was looking for something else and I found a package of magnetic strips with sticky backs.  I had my extruder container sitting on the table and a big light bulb came on.
I put the sticky side of the magnets on the inside cover of the container and put the disks on it and I was so excited.  I have 3 of every disk because I have 3 extruders so this is going to work great for me.  I'm going out to lunch today with my BFF's and we will be near Michael's so I'm going to get more of these strips and organize my disks before I go to clay camp next week.
A really nice lady came to our beading club yesterday and did a demo on how to make your own really cute boxes.  I was fascinated because I have 300 pounds of scrapbook paper in my closet and I don't know why.  OCD maybe?????
Well, I decided this morning that I wanted to try to make a box out of my paper.  Doesn't take much to excite me.  My little paper box came out perfect.  For the bottom of the box I used a 9 inch square and for the top I used a 9-1/4 inch square.  It it really sturdy.  I was so excited so I ran into hubby's office to show him my paper box.  He said "you're so cute, you remind me of a 3rd grader making little paper boxes".
The two pieces fitting together.

The inside of the top and bottom.  Had to have cat stickers.
What to do with stick on stuff.
OK, get my blanky, it's nap time.  When I was in kindergarten I got suspended for two days.  My best friend stole my paper and scissors so I took someone elses scissors and cut her skirt up while she was napping.  Don't ever steal my paper or scissors.


  1. 23 sourArOh, Bonnie, I promise never to take your craft supplies LOL. I didn't even know it was possible to be suspended in kindergarten!

    That is certainly an efficient storage method for the extruder. I don't go on Pinterest, as it's too much of a time-waster for someone like me who doesn't know when to quit!

  2. Bonnie, I love your blog. You always make me smile. That's a great idea for your extruder and I'm going to do the same thing. I'm thinking maybe it would work for all those little metal shape cutters, too.

  3. The magnet sheets for extruder disk storage thing is an awesome idea... my daughter is going to be so thrilled when I tell her we need to make another trip to Michaels for magnet sheets.... I'll need several as I am going to borrow Linda idea too.... I've got lots of little cutters. You cost me money every time I come over here.

    I was also very happy to learn that I am not the only person who has 3 extruders......

  4. omg Bonnie. I had to laugh at your kindergarten story. That's a riot. One of the things I remember about kindergarten is that I never got to fingerpaint. That probably explains why I love to get my fingers dirty with polymer clay, inks, paints, powders, and all that stuff.
    The little boxes are darling and I have to admit that I delight in making them too! But won't touch origami...can't tell a valley from a mountain there!
