Friday, February 8, 2013


I got a new toy this week and I just set it up and used it.  I'm a happy girl because it works great, so far.

This is the new Walnut Hollow extruder vice.  As you can see it also works with the Makins extruder.
It clamps to the table really well.  The head swivels so you can adjust the direction of the extrusion.
It has padded grips to hold the extruder.  We had to do a few minor adjustments but nothing hard or complicated.  My left hand isn't red and sore from holding the extruder while I crank it but it still makes noise.  No big deal.  I like it, I'm going to keep it.  I got this one on Amazon for about $23.
Yesterday I went on a bus trip to Tucson to the Gem and Mineral show.  I have a disease when it comes to beads and polymer clay stuff.
I went a little over board on the findings but I got them cheap.  These should last me a couple years.  LOL
This is half of the beads I bought.  I found a place to store the other half but these are homeless for now.  Where is that Bead Psychiatrist?
On To Polymer Clay
I was so happy I got to say hello to Christi Friesen.  She was doing a class but I interrupted her.  I was wearing a butterfly that I made in one of her classes a couple years ago.  I think I had 100 people stop me and ask about it.
I have this on a large chain and it was amazing how much attention this got.  I'm waiting for Christi's new book to come in the mail.  It's called Flourish.  I forgot to bring her cheesecake.  I'm in trouble.
Next Stop
Our next stop was at the Windmill where Lisa Pavelka was.  And yes, I am now the Official Queen of having the most flexible texture sheets.
Lisa was selling new ones that I didn't have, we ran across a company that had new ones of Helen Breil that I didn't have and when I got home there was a package from Shades of Clay with texture sheets that I forgot I ordered.  So I got 11 new texture sheets yesterday.  Yippee.  Where's the Polymer Clay Psychiatrist?
Isn't there a saying that the man that dies with the most toys is the winner????????
I don't want to be him, I just want to go clay and bead and use all my new toys.  I must say I sure supported the economy yesterday.  I do have to tell you that I share all the things I have with my friends and the girls I teach clay to so everything gets put to good use.
Wednesday I taught a class in which we used leafing.  Today I unpacked my carrier and put everything away.  I made myself breakfast and when I looked down there was a piece of silver leafing on my toast.  My thumb was covered with it.  Guess I should be more careful.


  1. Leaf me alone with the 'everything turning to silver'. Not gold????
    Sounds like you had plenty of fun in Tucson. Wish I had been there to help you shop!

  2. Let me help you out Bonnie... I can store those beads for you.

    One of these days we will have to compare textures sheets... I have gobs too. I love the ones Helen makes.... I stay away from Shades of Clay so I won't be tempted.... it's a disease! My drawers are full, if I buy more textures I will have to buy more storage units.

    Yip, vises are great, I got mine at Aldi's about a year ago. I use to get blisters on the palm of my hand from holding it, took the fun out of extruding for sure.

    I am off to prove I'm not a robot.... looks hard this time, might take me awhile.

    2nd times a charm... I hope. Why do they run those letters together like that, don't they know old ladies have poor eye sight. (Yes I do need new glasses!)

  3. Looks like you had tons of fun at the Bead Show in Tucson! Wow...that should last you for quite awhile. I like the new toy...that is on my list to get for sure!

  4. I hadn't known about the walnut Hollow vise. It looks great and I love the idea of preserving hands!
    Tucson Gem and Mineral sounds like it was great and you have the goodies to prove it. Super finds. How wonderful that you got to say hello to Christi. That butterfly sure caught people's eyes.It's really super special,so it's no wonder. I think you well may be the QUEEN of flex tex sheets. It will be fun to see how you use them.
