Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Yesterday I got a wonderful package in the mail from Tina Holden who was my swap partner in the hearts and texture sheets International Polymer Clay Swap.  Aren't these beautiful?
I love the texture on the one on the left and those are my colors.  The one on the right looks just like my sister.  She loves blue, green and silver and she's tiny.  What's amazing is that I sent her a silver chain for Christmas and it will look beautiful with this heart on it.  I hope Tina doesn't mind if I share but no one is touching the bronze one except me, me, me. LOL

Along with the beautiful hearts I got two texture sheets that Tina made.
These are so nice compared to the one I sent her.  They are nice and thin and flexible, I love them.  As soon as Tina gets my package I'll post what I sent her.  It takes 2 weeks to get a package to and from Canada and 5 days to Europe.  I don't understand that.
This Saturday our clay guild is having a cane swap.  There are 12 of us participating so we needed to make 11 canes. They have to be 3 inches by 3/4 or 1 inch.  I agonized about what kind of canes to make.  Normally I don't have a problem but I had clay problems.  It was either too hard or too soft and mushy.  I leached some clays and put Mold Maker in the others to soften them.  Here's the results:
I made some beads out of the ends of the electric looking ones and I really like them.  I'll post the ones I get in return, we have some really talented ladies in our guild and I'm sure what I get back will be awesome.  Going to make some earrings from the beads from the electric canes.
Back to work, have to keep up with BJ from Knightwork, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  LOL

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful hearts from Tina and cool and detailed tex sheets as well. Very nice canes you made for the swap. I also especially like the "electric" ones. I read your comments about having "clay problems" with interest. I have been dealing with the same sort of challenges (too hard, too soft, little just right) and it's nice to have "mold Maker" in my stash.
