Saturday, July 13, 2013

Birthday Presents

I have 16 relatives/friends who have birthday's in July.  Some get cards, some get gifts.  My great niece is going to get this next week.  She loves cats and she loves Buster even though she's never seen him in person.  I send her pictures on the computer.  She's only 10 so I think she will like this.

The beads are done in Kumihimo.  The pendant is polymer clay.

This is a pendant I bought at Michael's.  The woman in the picture is Esther Williams.  For you young things out there who don't know who that is, she was the greatest female swimmer in the 1940's and 50's.  She made movies with famous male stars AND she was beautiful and feminine.  She swam in the Olympics and she was not like the muscle bound swimmers you see now days.  She was my mother's favorite so when I saw this, I knew it would be perfect especially since it says "rock on sister".  I changed the beads on the bottom and the necklace and bracelet are done in Kumihimo with pink beads and crystal Megatamas.

Time to go walk the dogs and go for a swim.

1 comment:

  1. Love 'em both, Bonnie! Your great niece is sure to love having her own kitty angel. I remember seeing Eshter Williams in those unbelievably synchronized feature films. I was born after her heyday, but she was still popular in the early 60's when I got to see her.
