Monday, July 15, 2013


Not enough hours in the day especially when you have to take a nap.  AND, I do.  I get up every day at 5 and go take my friend's 3 dogs for a walk and then I get in her pool to cool off.  It's so hot here in Arizona right now the dragon flies are diving bombing the pool.  Anyway, I have been really busy making pendants.

These are all made with polymer clay in bezels and then covered in resin.

I really like the white ones.  These are also polymer covered with resin.  The two on the right are from a cane I made a couple of weeks ago.

The second heart is a Natasha cane made from the left over Mokune Gane I did for the shower pens.  I like the third one in the brass bezels with the blue Swarovski crystals.

The cross in the middle is not polymer.  I poured alcohol ink in the cross to see what would happen and when it dried it was beautiful.  I laid the jump rings and the crystals in and put the resin in.  Most of these have 2 or 3 coats of resin.  The one on the right was sanded and buffed, no resin.
These two have both been sanded and buffed.  I love doing Natasha pieces with left over clay.



One minute he's the sweet Buster.
The next minute he's the "ALIEN IN THE BRAINS BUSTER".

Going to the show where it's cool and I can have popcorn for lunch.  LOL


  1. Your pendants are divine, Bonnie... I just stocked up on those bezels, and waiting for cooler weather to start creating. It's been 100ºF+ here in my usually temperate coastal town in Atlantic Canada, with high humidity... very unusual weather. Trying to do the crafts that DON'T involve turning on the oven!

    My cats have been taking "extra" naps... I know cats are supposed to love the heat, but this may be too much even for them. They spend their time flaked out on their backs with paws in the air. Poor babies LOL

  2. Awesome pendants, Bonnie!! You have been a busy lady!

  3. Beautiful work Bonnie!! You have been really busy :)
    I love all of them - such diversity. Enjoy that pool - so jealous!! LOL!
