Thursday, December 26, 2013


I've tried putting pictures on this blog 6 different times now and they don't work.  One will and the next one won't.  I'm going to try one more time.

I've been MIA for a couple weeks.  We had the flood, then the tile guy came and then the carpet guys now we need painting but I'm taking a month break till I have to take all the clothes out of the closets again.  I finally got my tree up but it only has 5 ornaments on it.

I finished the frames for my sister, niece and nephew and wife for Christmas.
OK, this one worked.  They all love Turner the dog so I made dog frames for all of them.  My sister tried to kiss him and he pulled away.  I think she thinks it's her grandson.  LOL
I just tried to put a picture of Buster up here and it won't take.  I'm getting frustrated.
I just tried to upload 15 different pictures and it won't let me.
Can someone help me please?

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