Friday, December 27, 2013


I tried up-down loading this picture yesterday and it wouldn't take.
This is my sweet Buster waiting in his carrier while the carpet guys were going in and out of the house and had to have the doors open.  He stayed in there for 4 hours and then he started rolling around so I knew it was time.  Today is a special day for him and John and I.  It was 2 years ago today that I brought him home from the shelter.  He was so tiny but had really big feet.  Every day has been a fun day with him around here.  He even has a following on facebook.
I just tried to put up another picture of him and it won't let me.
Are we restricted to one picture per blog now?
OK, I just went back and there were 3 blogs that never went to post from draft.  I'm sure that was operator error.  LOL  So I did an edit on this one and it let me add another picture.  I'm confused.
Anyway, this was Buster 3 days after I brought him home.  He was either climbing up the screens or dive bombing into garbage cans.
I just tried to put up another picture and it won't let me.
I give up.
I don't understand this.  I went back and did an edit on this post and it let me add another picture.  I've looked at all the options on the blog and it doesn't say anything about only being able to do one picture at a time.
Isn't he cute?  We still haven't found that collar.  We took it off him the second day he was home.  I think he buried it in the cat liter and it's gone.  When I got him his name was Leroy and that's what his tag said.  He definitely is a Buster.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie, hope your Christmas had lots of happy moments, though it sounds like you've had a rough go of things lately!

    Love the new and old pics of your sweetie!

    Though I haven't had TOO much trouble with Blogger recently, once in a while it seems to act up. My reaction is usually to use a new browser; for example, I normally use Chrome, but if one of my programs is being troublesome I will switch to Firefox for a bit, and often my programs will work better there. I don't understand this, Bonnie :( Perhaps incompatibilities develop? I always return to my preferred browser because that's where I have everything saved. Did you look at the Blogger Help to troubleshoot?
