Friday, June 19, 2015


I belong to 2 groups on facebook that are only for the Pebeo paints.  I've seen some of the canvases that people do on there and they are beautiful.  One day at Michael's they had these canvases on sale that are already stretched around a wood frame.  I've been using the Prisme colors on jewelry and polymer clay but have never done a canvas so I thought I would try one.  This is the second one I did and I really like but not sure what to do with it.  In 24 hours this changed so much for the better.

This is the first one I did.  I added some of those tiny no hole beads to see what would happen.  This is a mix of Moon and Prisme paints and I swirled this one.  The other one I just added the paints next to each other.  Some people pour the paints on their canvases, I used a large wooden stir stick to drop the paint on.  Now I need to figure out what to do with them.  I don't like a lot of knick knacks and decorating stuff because it's so dusty here in Arizona and I don't like to dust.  I have a couple bigger canvases that I want to try with this paint and some inclusions.

This is the thermometer on our back patio and today it's suppose to be 115.  My muse is hiding in the refrigerator and she won't come out.

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