Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Every morning at 6:30 I go to my friends house to walk Beau and Champ.  Beau is the big one on the left.  We walk for 30 minutes and then we go for a ride in my golf cart.  Dogs love riding in golf carts, it's like being in a convertible.  They get lots of air.  I go very slow when I have them in the cart.  Champ snuggles next to me and Beau lays on his belly on the floor.  He's too heavy for me to lift to the seat and can't jump any more because of arthritis.  After our ride yesterday, I took them to their house and then headed home to my house.  Here is Sun City West it's a little dangerous driving because we have a lot of 80 and 90 year olds who still drive but can't hear or see.   My friend calls it
"The Over 55 Demolition Resort Town".

As I was going towards my house I saw a really old car out of the corner of my right eye and two older gentlemen were talking and looking at each other and I didn't think they saw the stop sign.  I guess I hit the brake too hard and my cart turned and flipped over on it's side.  Thank God I had my seat belt on and it landed on the passenger side and most of all I thank God that the dogs weren't with me.  That was the first thing that went through my mind.  I was pinned in the seat by the seat belt and couldn't get it off and I was surrounded by golf cart with no way to get out.  The entire front window is made of Plexiglass and it flips down to use when golfing.  A couple guys pulled the window down to see if I could get out and when they did the whole right side of the window cracked.  It took me a couple tries but I finally made it out.  We were worried that the gas tank may have been damaged when the cart flipped.  By then, the ambulance, 4 Sheriff cars, the fire truck and 6 posse cars were there.  My husband pulled up and hugged me.  They put me in the ambulance, took my vitals and asked a million questions.  Told me my blood pressure was good considering what I had just been through.

5 guys tipped the cart up and moved it to the curb.  Police officers were chasing my golf balls down the street and picking up golf tees off the ground.  They were all so nice.  If only I was 30 younger and in my right mind from the accident and the sun and heat,,,,, those firemen were gorgeous, now all I can do is adopt a couple.  LOL  The two old guys took off before I had a chance to say anything so I think they knew I was right but it didn't matter at that point.  Today I have a sore right rib, a big bump on my right leg shin and a bruise on my right knee which isn't much.

I wanted to post this because I wanted to say in writing how lucky I was and who ever was watching over me I want to thank them and the guy that put the seat belt in my golf cart.  I was told that if I didn't have that seat belt on I would have hit the hot pavement under the cart or would have been thrown to who knows where and no one knows how long I would have been in the hospital if I lived to go to the hospital.  

I know this isn't one of my happy and funny blog posts but if it helps remind just one person to put a seat belt on, that makes me very happy.

Buckle up your children, don't leave children or animals in hot cars and keep them away from water.

I hope they make it mandatory for people in retirement cities to have seat belts on their golf carts while they are riding in the street. 

I want to thank all my friends for their support and well wishes.  I really appreciate it. 

Now I need some courage to go drive the cart again and am so happy those dogs weren't with me.


  1. Wow...so glad you are okay. Sounds like you provided quite the excitement that town has seen for a bit for every police and emergency vehicle to show up. Hope they found all your balls ;-)

    ...Can't wait to see what you do next with the Pebeo paints.

  2. Whew! So glad you're mostly OK. You don't need any more bumps and bruises after all you've been through lately with your foot and shoulder.
